How to Make a “GAPS Milkshake”

A “GAPS Milkshake” = Fresh pressed juice + eggs + sour cream/yogurt/kefir/coconut oil

It offers a delightful and nutritious way to support the gut. Fresh-pressed juice provides a a double dose of vitamins & minerals. The richness of fats and proteins present in the milkshake further nourishes the body, supporting overall well-being and providing fat-soluble vitamins that support nutrient deficiencies.

The fat in the shake helps slow down how our body processes the sugar in the juice.

GAPS Shake Recipe

Serves 2!


  • 50% therapeutic ingredients: (carrot, small piece beetroot, celery, cabbage, lettuce, greens)


  • 50% “tastier” ingredients (apple, orange, blueberries, etc).

My typical morning GAPS shake looks like:


  • 6-8 carrots

  • 1/2 cucumber (when in season)

  • 2 stalks celery

  • 2 small pieces beet (no morethan 5% of juice)

  • 2 small slices apple

  • 2 fennel fronds, bok choy or any other green in season

  • small piece ginger

Combined in a blender with:

  • 2-4+ pasteuerd eggs

  • ~6TB of crème fraîche, sour cream, milk or coconut kefir, yogurt or coconut yogurt, coconut oil, ghee, butter

  • juice of 1 lemon if desired

Pour into 2 glasses & enjoy on an empty stomach - either 1st thing in the morning or as an afternoon snack, or 20 minutes before a meal.

GAPS shakes are an indispensable & delicious tool in supporting gut healing, fostering a robust gut-brain connection, and paving the way for improved digestive balance and general wellness.


How to Make Sauerkraut


Cabbage Tonic aka “Kraut Juice” Recipe