How to Start Kids on GAPS (and get through picky eating)
Are you dealing with a picky eater and considering the GAPS (Gut and Psychology/Physiology Syndrome) Diet to support their health and well-being? It can be especially challenging to introduce a healing diet to picky eaters (adults included!). Here are some recommended approaches from the yellow book to consider depending on your lifestyle and the needs of your child and family. Each comes with its own advantages.
As a former nanny & teacher with a Masters in Education, working with kids is my speciality. I’d love to support you on this journey.
1. ABA Method: A Reward System Structure
The ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) method is a structured approach to introducing the GAPS diet to picky eaters. Here's how it works:
Set Clear Goals: Identify specific GAPS foods you want to introduce and set achievable goals. Start with small steps, like incorporating meat stock into their diet or slowly introducing fermented foods — whatever you think your child needs the most or may accept more readily first.
Find Motivating Rewards: Offer small rewards or incentives for trying new GAPS foods. Make sure the rewards are meaningful to them, and can include any of the following:
A bite of a favorite food after 1+ GAPS food bites
Watching a few minutes of a video
Having a dance party
Pieces for a buildable toy like legos, a puzzle, etc.
Playing part of a game
The options are endless… try things out based on your child’s interests!
For Nonverbal Children or Children with Severe Language Problems: Start by using your child’s favorite foods as a reward for eating the new GAPS food
Use pictures to show expectations. Show a picture of a spoonful/sip of stock, say “first sip of stock,” then show a picture of the piece of chocolate and say, “then a bite of chocolate,”
If you’re child can do without a treat off of GAPS as a reward, that’s great! Try different things out with your kid, and see what sticks!
When introducing new GAPS foods, make sure to only try one new food at a time, and take breaks and time in between bites to maintain a calm, and joyful environment.
Consistency is key especially within the first 10 days. After a week and a half, your child’s tastebuds will begin to reset as their gut rebalances, and they’ll start to crave and enjoy nourishing GAPS foods.
Your child’s system is teaching itself to start to follow cravings based on their body’s nutritional needs over what the pathogenic bacteria used to make them want to eat. They’ll have an empowered & intuitive sense of eating in the long run, which is one of the best gifts you can give them!
2. Gradual Introduction of GAPS Foods into the Usual Diet
For picky eaters who may resist sudden dietary changes, but still have a more naturally varied diet, a gradual approach can be effective. Here's how to implement this method:
Start Slowly: Begin by adding small amounts of GAPS foods to their current diet. For example, incorporate homemade meat stock as a base for soups or stews.
Gradual Swaps: Over time, replace some of their usual foods with GAPS-approved alternatives. Swap out processed snacks for homemade fermented foods or introduce GAPS-friendly versions of their favorite meals,
Add in probiotic foods like homemade yogurt for breakfast, or sauerkraut on top of homemade sausages.
Monitor Progress: Keep track of how they respond to the gradual changes. Pay attention to any improvements in their digestion, behavior, or overall health.
If you think your child will accept food swaps & additions over time, and they already enjoy a variety of foods, a gradual GAPS diet might work best for you and your family.
3. Cold-Turkey Method
In Jennifer Scribner’s book, From Mac and Cheese to Veggies Please, she highlights her preference for “you’re-not-eating-unless-it’s-the-new-diet-and-we’ll-wait-it-out,” approach.
This method involves a swift transition to the GAPS diet. While this may seem challenging, it can be highly effective for kids who desperately need a shift and need to jumpstart healing quickly. Here's how it works:
Complete Diet Change: Remove all non-GAPS foods from the house and transition to a strict GAPS diet. This means eliminating grains, processed foods, and sugars entirely.
Offer the new (savory) GAPS foods at each meal time, if refused, offer them again when they’re hungry later
Keep offering unlimited water, herbal tea, watered down carrot juice, & homemade lemonade to make sure they stay hydrated
Stay Committed: The goal is to get through the first 10 days, which will be the hardest during the GAPS shift. Your child may “fast” during this time, which is a normal reaction. Remember that a child won’t starve themselves, and that you’re offering an array of GAPS foods to choose from each time they ask for food (really…you’re not starving them). A short fasting period can actually be helpful as your child’s gut microbiome begins to reset.
Maintain a grounded, calm demeanor throughout the process. It’s important for a safe environment that invites relaxed, enjoyable eating.
After around 10 days your child’s system will likely begin to adjust and crave nourishing foods.
Monitor their progress closely and address any concerns or discomfort promptly.
Don’t forget detox baths, and other detox methods to support the body’s detoxification processes.
Support and Education: Provide ample support, education, and information to your picky eater as age appropriate about the benefits of the GAPS. Encourage them to understand why this dietary change is essential for their health.
The cold-turkey method can be particularly effective for kids and adults who require immediate and drastic dietary changes to address gut-related issues.
As you navigate the GAPS Diet, keep in mind that it's a path toward setting your child up to rebalance their gut and reset for optimal wellness. It’s okay to have moments of doubt or frustration, but always remember the long-term benefits your child will gain from this dietary approach. Celebrate every small victory and milestone along the way, and lean on the GAPS community for guidance and encouragement. You're not alone in this journey, and your determination to give your child the best possible start in life is truly inspiring. Keep going, and the rewards will be well worth it.
You don’t have to do this alone, and I’d love to help. Together, we’ll:
Learn about your goals.
We’ll talk about your baby’s current symptoms, and flexibility to make changes
Meet your needs.
We’ll choose which version of GAPS works for you and get you everything you need to be fed well & succeed.
Make some shifts.
We’ll start your plan & pay close attention to your baby’s symptoms, shifts & next steps.
How I Got to GAPS
Some of my earliest memories are standing on a wobbly stool, mixing and measuring with a family friend who taught me how to cook from scratch. Raised as a vegetarian before it was cool, I transitioned to a mostly vegan diet while living in a housing co-op as a student at UC Berkeley where I studied psychology. That’s right when my health began to take a nosedive.
After graduating, I helped launch, “The Farmhouse,” a co-op in Berkeley, where we raised two dozen chickens. During these years, I explored a career as a children’s cooking teacher, worked as an intern with The Good Food Awards, and helped small farms and food businesses raise money as a food and farm focused crowdfunding consultant. Then one day at age 26, I couldn’t get myself down the stairs.
My whole life I thought it was normal to have aching, unstable joints, to be bloated after eating, to have trouble remembering words and struggle with depression and anxiety, along with an eating disorder. When I correctly diagnosed myself with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, an acupuncturist & naturopath begged me to start eating meat. So I finally made myself a batch of meat stock.
After the first sip, my brain turned on in a way it never had before. I spent the next few months slowly incorporating stews and probiotic foods into my diet, until I garnered up enough strength and healing to begin teaching preschool.
I discovered the GAPS protocol when I was working with a nutritionist while getting my master’s degree in education and teaching elementary school. I was so exhausted, I could barely get through the day and crashed the second I got home.
After nine months of trying GAPS all on my own, I enlisted the help of a GAPS coach. I relearned how to cook, and have found ways to keep homemade cooking sustainable with a busy schedule. With my coach’s support, I healed my chicken egg and dairy allergy, and experienced the first of many pain free days.
After supporting friends through GAPS, and dealing with the repercussions of sugar crazed students, I decided to turn my passion for nourishing food into a career. With my background as a teacher, I’m particularly good at helping families make the switch to a more nutrient dense diet and keeping it fun for kids. I’ve experienced first-hand how this protocol can change lives, and am dedicated to helping others on this journey.
Gina Giarmo, M.Ed.
Certified GAPS Coach
NTP in training