Gina Giarmo, M.Ed.
Certified GAPS Coach

NTP in training

My goal is to teach you how to help your body heal & grow with nutrient-dense, delicious foods and simple lifestyle shifts that will leave you and your child feeling empowered and joyful.

Finding support for Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS) with the GAPS Diet

Understanding EDS and hypermobility:

Living with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) or hypermobility can be challenging, but there is hope for improving the quality of life through dietary and lifestyle changes. The Gut and Psychology/Physiology Syndrome (GAPS) diet & lifestyle practices like switching to natural home and skincare products, has shown promising results in helping both adults and children manage the symptoms associated with these conditions. Following the GAPS diet and emphasizing the continued consumption of meat stock can provide optimal joint support for individuals with EDS and hypermobility.

Need another bendy hand to help you along as you or your child start GAPS? As someone with EDS, I know first-hand how supportive GAPS can be, and I’m eager to help. Schedule a free consultation today so we can get started!

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome is a group of connective tissue disorders characterized by joint hypermobility, skin hyperextensibility, and a variety of other symptoms that can range from mild to severe.

Similarly, hypermobility refers to an increased range of motion in the joints, which can also be associated with various health issues. Both conditions can lead to joint instability, pain, and a host of other problems like food sensitivities that affect daily life.

The GAPS Diet:

The GAPS diet, developed by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, focuses on healing the gut and also addresses the connection between the gut and neurological health. It is designed to reduce inflammation, support digestion, and promote overall well-being. The diet consists of several stages, with the introduction stage being the most restrictive, followed by gradual reintroduction of foods as the body rebalances and strengthens. Please review Dr. Natasha’s yellow & blue books before starting GAPS.

Benefits of the GAPS Diet for EDS and Hypermobility:

  • Reduced Inflammation: Inflammation is a common trigger for joint pain and discomfort in individuals with EDS and hypermobility. The GAPS diet temporarily eliminates inflammatory foods to help the body heal itself.

  • Gut Healing: The gut plays a pivotal role in overall health, and many EDS and hypermobility patients report digestive issues. The GAPS diet focuses on healing the gut lining, potentially alleviating digestive problems and nutrient absorption issues.

  • Nutrient-Dense Foods: The GAPS diet emphasizes nutrient-dense foods, which can help support connective tissues, collagen production, and joint health. Bendy people are hard at work repairing injuries constantly, so nourishing food is essential. Incorporating collagen-rich meat stock is particularly beneficial for this purpose.

Meat Stock for Joint & Gut Support:

One key aspect of the GAPS diet, especially for those with EDS and hypermobility, is the continued consumption of meat stock well beyond the introductory stages. Meat stock is rich in collagen, gelatin, and essential amino acids that are crucial for joint & gut health.

For adults, maintaining a daily intake of five cups of meat stock can provide consistent support for joint stability. For children, three cups of meat stock daily can help their growing bodies develop strong and stable joints. This practice should be sustained throughout the GAPS diet journey and beyond for lasting benefits.

Detoxing Home and Skincare Products:

In addition to dietary changes, it's essential to be mindful of toxins in the environment. Detoxing home and skincare products can reduce the body's toxin burden, which is particularly important for individuals with EDS or hypermobility, as their bodies may be more sensitive to external factors.

Magnesium Baths and other Detox Methods

Taking a bath with a cup or more of epsom salt can be exceptionally beneficial for individuals with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) who are following the GAPS diet. EDS is often associated with chronic pain and muscle tension. Magnesium, known for its muscle-relaxing properties, can provide relief from these symptoms, promoting relaxation and easing discomfort. Additionally, detoxification support may help individuals with EDS better absorb nutrients from the GAPS diet, enhancing its therapeutic effects. Start out by adding 1 cup of epsom salt into the bath, and gradually increasing as tolerated to minimize die-off.

The GAPS Nutritional Protocol offers a comprehensive approach to managing Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and hypermobility naturally. By emphasizing the continued consumption of meat stock for optimal joint support, individuals of all ages can experience improved joint stability, reduced inflammation, and an overall enhancement in their quality of life. Always consult with a healthcare professional before making significant dietary changes, especially if you have a medical condition like EDS or hypermobility.

You don’t have to do this alone, and I’d love to help. Together, we’ll:


Learn about your goals.

We’ll talk about your current symptoms, and flexibility to make changes


Meet your needs.

We’ll choose which version of GAPS works for you and get you everything you need to be fed well & succeed.


Make some shifts.

We’ll start your plan & pay close attention to your symptoms, shifts & next steps.

How I Got to GAPS

Some of my earliest memories are standing on a wobbly stool, mixing and measuring with a family friend who taught me how to cook from scratch. Raised as a vegetarian before it was cool,  I transitioned to a mostly vegan diet while living in a housing co-op as a student at UC Berkeley where I studied psychology. That’s right when my health began to take a nosedive.

After graduating, I helped launch, “The Farmhouse,” a co-op in Berkeley, where we raised two dozen chickens. During these years, I explored a career as a children’s cooking teacher, worked as an intern with The Good Food Awards, and helped small farms and food businesses raise money as a food and farm focused crowdfunding consultant. Then one day at age 26, I couldn’t get myself down the stairs.

My whole life I thought it was normal to have aching, unstable joints, to be bloated after eating, to have trouble remembering words and struggle with depression and anxiety, along with an eating disorder. When I correctly diagnosed myself with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, an acupuncturist & naturopath begged me to start eating meat. So I finally made myself a batch of meat stock.

After the first sip, my brain turned on in a way it never had before. I spent the next few months slowly incorporating stews and probiotic foods into my diet, until I garnered up enough strength and healing to begin teaching preschool. 

I discovered the GAPS protocol when I was working with a nutritionist while getting my master’s degree in education and teaching elementary school. I was so exhausted, I could barely get through the day and crashed the second I got home. 

After nine months of trying GAPS all on my own, I enlisted the help of a GAPS coach. I relearned how to cook, and have found ways to keep homemade cooking sustainable with a busy schedule. With my coach’s  support,  I healed my chicken egg and dairy allergy, and experienced the first of many pain free days. 

After supporting friends through GAPS, and dealing with the repercussions of sugar crazed students, I decided to turn my passion for nourishing food into a career. With my background as a teacher, I’m particularly good at helping families make the switch to a more nutrient dense diet and keeping it fun for kids. I’ve experienced first-hand how this protocol can change lives, and am dedicated to helping others on this journey.

Questions before getting started?

Get in touch.