The Full GAPS Diet

Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride recommends starting from the Full GAPS Diet (not Intro) for:

  • People who will have a hard time changing their diet, either personally or circumstantially

  • Pregnant or nursing people

  • Individuals without severe digestive symptoms

  • People who are too busy to cook everything from scratch, can’t make their own food choices, or travel consistently

  • Those who tend towards persistent constipation

  • Older children managing conditions like ADHD, dyslexia, or dyspraxia, and do not have severe digestive issues.

It’s recommended to stick to Full GAPS for 1-2 years. Check out this list of foods to enjoy and foods to avoid while following GAPS from Gut & Physiology Syndrome.

*Use this list as a sneak peak of what you’ll enjoy on Full GAPS, not as a substitute for reading the book and getting familiar with the background, process and recipes that go into helping your gut heal itself naturally.


The Benefits of Beef Liver on the GAPS Diet


GAPS Intro Diet