How to Support a “Die-Off” Reaction

Believe it or not, “die-off” aka herxheimer reaction, is a sign that your body is healing and strong enough to start releasing toxins. Help your body further the detoxification process, and minimize intense reactions with the few practices to keep things as balanced as possible while you reset your gut.

Detox Practices

for everyday detox and to support die-off reactions like fatigue, nausea, flu-like symptoms, skin irritation, changes in bowel movement or your current symptoms temporarily getting worse

Detox Baths: Choose one of the following to add to this relaxing ritual. Prioritize taking detox baths (ideally nightly) during Intro on the GAPS Diet.

Dr. Natasha recommends a few ways to support the body’s detoxication process with the following soaks. Rotate them nightly or stick with one a few nights in a row depending on what your body’s telling you to optimally support detox pathways.

Use each bath addition separately, aside from salt & baking soda, as some of the ingredients might counteract each other.

Bathe for 20-45 minutes:

  • 1 cup epsom salt

    • can increase slowly as tolerated. A detox rash and/or itchiness may show up on your skin if the water is too salty for you.

  • 1 cup apple cider vinegar

    • supports muscle & joint aches & pains

    • helpful for candida issues on the skin - ACV balances the skins pH, making it harder for candida to survive

    • draws uric acid out of the body which takes a load off of the kidneys

  • 1 cup seaweed powder

    • helpful for sensitive skin (like eczema) + adds detoxifying minerals

    • muscle aches & joint stiffness

  • 1 cup natural salt

    • provides minerals that are absorbed through the skin

    • helpful for muscle aches & joint stiffness

  • 1 cup baking soda

    • alkalizing effect on the skin, soothing for skin rashes, eczema, psoriasis, sunburn etc.

Back Off: If your reaction feels way too strong, go back to the previous stage during intro, or reduce or slow down fermented food intake until symptoms become more manageable

Dry Brushing: A therapeutic technique that involves gently brushing the skin with a natural bristle brush, typically before bathing. This practice stimulates the lymphatic system, a vital component of the body's immune and detoxification processes. As the brush glides over the skin's surface, it exerts a subtle pressure that encourages the movement of lymph fluid beneath. This movement aids in the elimination of waste products, toxins, and excess fluids from the body's tissues, promoting overall lymphatic circulation and enhancing immune function. By effectively activating the lymphatic system, dry brushing supports the body's natural ability to cleanse itself and maintain balance, and also leaves the skin rejuvenated and the individual with a sense of well-being. Do not use on irritated skin.

Sauna: Taking time to sweat in a natural sauna about once a week helps your body detoxify through the skin. Sauna sessions also enhance relaxation, circulation, and stress reduction, promoting overall well-being alongside the diet's benefit

Enemas: Cleansing enemas and coffee enemas help cleanse the liver and colon from toxin buildup in stool. help detoxify, ease digestion, and address intestinal compaction. They aid in toxin elimination, enhance nutrient absorption, balance the gut microbiome, and clear intestinal blockages. They scare a lot of people (including me at first), butt it’s one of the quickest and cleanest ways for relief and detoxification. Water enemas can be used for infants and up. Coffee enemas are not for pregnant or breastfeeding people.

GAPS Shakes & Juicing: gently detoxify from toxic metals and helps to restore fat digestion. The egg yolk & choice of fat in GAPS shakes helps to slow the rate of sugar absorption from the juice.


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