How to Introduce Dairy (slowly)

Many people are most sensitive to the lactose in dairy products. The 24 hour fermentation process on all dairy ensures that the probiotics in the culture have eaten all of the lactose. People with a casein sensitivity still make have issues with dairy prepared even this way. Coconut milk can be used in place of milk for many recipes. Start with a sensitivity test before moving forward with introducing dairy.

Dairy Introduction on the GAPS Diet

Sensitivity Test: Put a drop of the dairy you're about to try on your wrist at bedtime. If there is an angry red reaction in the morning, wait about 6 weeks and try again. Always do the test before introducing a new type of dairy.

  1. Homemade ghee (for ~6 weeks) : 1 tsp / day for a few days, watch for reactions, then gradually increase to many TBs / day.

  2. Add gradually and watch for reactions. Butter is pure milk fat and contains minimal amounts of whey, so it's easier to digest when ready.

  3. Homemade yogurt & crème fraîche fermented with yogurt culture (6-12 weeks later)


The Benefits of Beef Liver on the GAPS Diet